Vista Merchant Servicers

Vista Merchant Services, Inc.
“Keeping It Simple”


What is Pass-Thru?

        Visa/Mastercard International publishes rates for everyone to see and they represent the rate

     percentage fees that are applicable to all Visa/Mastercard Processors.

        Pass-Thru is simply this published rate plus our added small amount that is disclosed on your application

     which make up your total interchange rate fee that you are charged. Under a Pass-Thru rate program, your

     fees are typically only modified if/when Visa/Mastercard International change rate structures.

        This type of plan represents a real benefit by providing a more steady rate with bigger savings than the

     bundled, flat rate or tiered pricing models. Especially since there are over 300 different Visa/MC card types

     offered by different banks, with each having a different rate structure.

Here at Vista, we consider the Pass-Thru Rate Program to be the better

option that can provide you the greatest profit margin and savings for your business!

Take a look how Pass-Thru Rates can bring savings as it did with this Medical Practice:

Savings Analysis